how to draw a horse..

drawing horses | how to draw a horse
Drawing Horses

Technique Tuesdays: Drawing Horses by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

With the Kentucky Derby less than two weeks away, I thought it would be fun to teach my watercolor students how to draw horses. Moreover, it is the Year of the Horse, so all the more reasons to get inspired by this beautiful animal.

how to draw horses
The illustration for “How to Draw a Horse” 
comes from DeviantArt

Like most “How to Draw” series, the focus is on recognizing basic shapes and then connecting the shapes.



Steps to Draw a Horse in Profile

  1. Start by recognizing that the hindquarters, the chest and the belly are essentially three overlapping circles. 
  2. Next block in the head by drawing yet another circle where the cheek of the horse goes.
  3. Connect the circles to form the throat, and neck. 
  4. Add ears
  5. Recognize that the knees of horses are also round, so make circles for the knees.
  6. Draw triangles for the hooves.
  7. Connect the knees to the hooves.
  8. You can now add details like a tail and mane.
  9. For the eye ( in profile) recognize that the eye is about halfway down the circle you drew to depict that part of the head
  10. Have Fun!

horse art by @schulmanArt
Horse Art print for sale on etsy

More words of Advice:

  • Don’t give up.
  • practice makes perfect





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