6 Reasons Why I Follow You on Instagram!

(hint: It’s not just because you follow me!)

Marketing Mondays by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

I am fairly new to instagram ( profile is @schulmanArt) and I wouldn’t call myself an instagram expert, but I am certainly an instagram user and I know why I follow others on instagram. 

So here the six reasons why you are “follow worthy”

  1. You are an artist that I admire (and I want to stalk you so I can copy your marketing techniques) For you to be in this category you are enjoying a level of success in some area where I feel you are more successful than me. I actually do not necessarily admire your art, but I admire your success.
  2. You are an artist that I admire and you inspire me. Now to be in this category you may or may not be more successful than in some way, but your art does speak to me and I actually like it.
  3. You are famous (and I want to stalk you) This category is filled with non-artists. Examples of folks I stalk are Joshua Bell and Zoey Deschanel.
  4. You are a brand like an art institution, art supply store, art magazine, or home decorating magazine and you inspire me. There are a lot of museums I follow but also Anthropologie. (because their pictures are beautiful and they don’t make me feel fat)
  5. You follow me and leave funny comments on my posts often enough that I feel guilty enough to check you out and lo and behold you are an artist too and I just so happen to like your art so either I want to stalk you for good ideas or you inspire me. Actually this reason must be wishful thinking…. I leave lots of funny comments on the other artists’ and institutions’ feed that I stalk with the hopes that they will check me out and discover that I am also “follow worthy.”
  6.  I know you— and you are probably an artist– and you started following me and well whether or not I want to stalk you specifically and whether or not you inspire me I still want to be supportive of you and your art. (You could say this is very closely related to number 5 except for this one, I actually have met you outside of instagram.)

So there you go… from a layman’s point of view. I follow folks either because they inspire me or I want to stalk them. A little creepy, but hey this is the internet and why are you posting that personal picture on instagram if you don’t want everyone to see it?

click here to follow me…

Related blog posts:

Why do you start following someone on instagram? 

2 thoughts on “6 Reasons Why I Follow You on Instagram!”

  1. Well, I think you must follow me because you know me. But you only know me online. Does that make it creepy? The whole internet thing is a bit creepy though, it has opened up new ways to make relationships and challenges the trust framework that we've been brought up with, and makes it difficult for us to teach our children how to interact online. I think there's something a bit weird about sharing too much that's personal online but getting people to like and follow your professional output is a lot less weird. Anyway, must stop rambling. Thought provoking, as well as a practically helpful post.


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